Home » Featured » Welcome to the CVCDA’s at home resources page for diverse abilities.

Welcome to the CVCDA’s at home resources page for diverse abilities.

May 14, 2020 | Featured, News

Welcome to the CVCDA’s at home resources page for diverse abilities.

We know there is already so much information available online giving you endless ideas and activities to keep us and our kids engaged and occupied during this time of social distance. We here at the CVCDA, thought it might be a good idea to offer our own version of resources and activities specific to the needs of our families and all families at home with diversabilities. If your family has some particular needs you might like ideas for, drop us an email and our team will do our best to compile some suitable resources: communications@cvcda.ca

We will continually add to the resources here so please check back anytime you need more guidance or ideas. Enjoy!

To assist you in staying informed during this time, visit our CVCDA COVID-19 Update page for a number of government and local resources including links to available financial programs and assistance.



Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM) – designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring an EBP with learners with ASD from birth to 22 years of age. Supplemental materials and handouts are available for download along with a COVID-19 Toolkit.

Help Is In Your Hands – This website has four excellent modules designed for ALL parents of young children with social-communication delays. It is easy to set up an account.  Just click on ‘Create Account’ on the front page to get started.

SLP At Home: Ms. Aryn’s Super Speech Sounds – A resource for parents to learn about your child’s speech sound production. Multiple YouTube episodes featuring different sounds.

Stay at Home Guide for Kids with FASD – NOFAS (also suitable for children with ASD) – Young people with FASD can help plan for days when they need to be at home. This guide offers some suggestions – but it’s only a start to help get everyone thinking of some fun and calming home activities. 

Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times – This PDF guide from the UNC FPG Child Development Institute includes resources for understanding COVID-19, communication/expression tools, coping/calming skills, managing routines & more.

Handbook of Language and Literacy Development – A road map from 0-60 months, this project is dedicated to the creation of accessible and refereed resources that will provide evidence-based information on childrens’ language and literacy development.

Heart-Mind Online – designed for parents, grandparents, caregivers, who are searching for evidenced-informed resources and activity ideas that educate the hearts of children. Heart-Mind Well-being is critical to the life-long health and happiness of children and youth. Explore the site to find information about what’s “normal and healthy” for children in their social and emotional development, along with practical strategies for caring adults to actively create the nurturing environments that bolster Heart-Mind Well-being.

Participaction’s Build Your Best Day Tool – their Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines tell us that as young children grow and develop, they need to move, sleep, and sit, the right amounts each day to be healthy. Learn more about the benefits and how to build their best day…. AND YOURS! The Early Years (0-4yrs) | Children & Youth (5-17yrs) | Adults (18-64yrs)


Guide to Plagiocephaly – this is a family resource for preventing and treating your baby’s flat head.

Early Motor Development – a guide to how and why to encourage your baby’s motor development

Torticollis Brochure – a guide to Congenital Muscular Torticollis but also providing practical excercises and positiong to assist with strengthening and development for all babies.

Typical Legs and Feet Development – a handout on topics such as differences in alignment, flat feet and recomendations on when to intervene.

Toe Walking – a guide to toe walking and typical development when babies start to stand, walk, or run any time between 9 months and 3 years of age.


SLP At Home: Ms. Aryn’s Chit Chat– Have fun with Ms. Aryn on her YouTube channel thinking of plans to deal with her ‘big feelings’ and many other topics such as play plans, kindness, diversity and more! Featuring: Bunbun and Donut, the bunny duo! Handouts: Ep. 2 Recipe | Ep. 4 Big Feelings Toolbox

Blind Beginningsvisit this site to find information about free Zoom morning story, kids fitness and baby beginnings times. To register and receive the Zoom link contact carrie@blindbeginnings.ca

Cosmic Kids Yoga – Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed specially for kids aged 3+ with reports of providing significant improvements in self-regulation, focus and empathy. Also, helps get the wiggles out. You can can also watch via the Youtube channel.

BC Blind Sports – this site features movement skills (running efficiency and thowing) along with suggested games and equipment.

OT Plan – is an activity ideas search engine that helps you find pediatric occupational therapy activity ideas by skill,  using common household materials. Activities help support sensory and motor development through games and engaging activities.

Activity of the Day (PDF) – a set of at home activities for families who have a child with vision loss but can be fun for all kids. These activities have been designed to with adaptations and use items and materials from around your home.
Click for May 4 | May 11 | June 15 | June 29 | July 27 | Aug 4


First Voices – a suite of web-based tools and services designed to support Indigenous people engaged in language archiving, language teaching and culture revitalization.

Indigenous Games for Kids Resource – is a collection of traditional Indigenous games and activities to help introduce or reconnect children to recreational and sport activities that reflect the rich cultural heritage of our Indigenous peoples across Canada.

Anaana’s Tent – Anaana’s Tent is an educational preschool television series that promotes literacy and numeracy, and aims to prepare children for their first years of school. Visit the website for a variety of educational activities, stories, and songs or stream the series on CBC Gem.

Cree Literacy Network – a collection of resources including videos, songs and lessons promote Cree language and cultural literacy.

Good Medicine Initiative – a BC First Nations social media initiative (#GoodMedicineFNHA) to share inspiring stories and healthy challenges.


Imagination Library’s Goodnight With Dolly – feature Dolly Parton reading a series of Imagination Library books all carefully chosen for their appropriate content at this moment in time. Dolly welcomes the viewers and introduces the title, author and illustrator. Snuggled in bed with her Imagination Library book. Included are activity sheets and suggestions for parents with the opportunity to register for a free monthly children’s book to be mailed to your home.

Caring for Each Other – from Sesame Street, to support you during the COVID-19 health crisis, as families everywhere are creating a “for now normal.” Children thrive with structure in their lives, and they learn best through play—even in everyday moments. Their site is filled with content you can use all day long to spark playful learning, offer children comfort, and focus a bit on yourself, too. After all, it’s important that we take care of ourselves, so that we can best care for our families. Find many deas to help your family find ways to breathe, laugh, and play together.
Sesame Street in Communities – discover games, videos and more on topics important to you and your child.
Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children – a collection of materials designed to address challenges that families face adjusting to changes in routine and uncertainty.

Storyline Online – an award-winning children’s literacy website. They stream videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Find acitvity guides with each story designed for parents to assist their children to strengthen comprehension and verbal and written skills for English-language learners. Free app also available.

Scholastic Learn At Home – day-by-day projects to keep kids reading, thinking and growing. Teaching remotely for grades K-12 and provides up to three hours’ worth of content each day and can be completed on any device.

NASA Kids’ Club – provides a safe place for children to play as they learn about NASA and its missions. You will find games of various skill levels for children pre-K through grade 4. These games support national education standards (USA) in STEM — science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

More Resource Websites:

National Geographic Kids 

Collection of website links by grade and subject


Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame

Help a monster friend with big feelings learn to calm down and solve everyday challenges.

Apple StoreAmazon StoreGoogle Play


The active app for everyone that makes it easy to get you, to your better. Win prizes, track your activity and receive customized content to help you along the way. Everything in the app is research-based and rooted in behavior change science. The verdict? Everything gets better when you get active.

Apple Store |  Google Play

Jump Jump Froggy app

Jump Jump Froggy

Jump Jump Froggy is a excer-game that challenges kids to do physical activity while learning at home. Your physical motion in the real world controls the action. Fun for big ‘kids’ too.

Apple Store

Sesame Street and Autism

Resources for all families, with or without children with autism. Help build understanding, reduce stigma, and provide support with everyday routines.

Apple StoreAmazon StoreGoogle Play



Click below to enlarge image.

Tools Our CVCDA Professionals Use
A look at just some of the tools our own child development professionals use in their daily practice. Some of which could be carried over to your activities at home. PDF HERE

Daily Early Years Activities
CVCDA’s Early Years Community Outreach Program has started offering a new activitiy each day through their valleychild.ca calendar.


Click below to listen in your browser or search where ever you get your Podcasts.

The Brain Architects Podcast

The Brain Architects
Sharing helpful resources and ideas in support of all those who are caring for children while dealing with the impacts of COVID-19

Parental As Anything Podcast   
Episode – how to talk to kids about coronavirus and guide your family through it

Life On The Spectrum 
The Autism Family Podcast for families living with Autism by Katie Bennison, who is a broadcaster, education assistant and mother of a teen with autism.


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