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Collective concerns shared with government leaders through BCACDI

Feb 14, 2023 | News

Executive Update from Cindy Xavier


The CVCDA is a member agency of the BC Association of Child Development and Intervention (BCACDI). Over the past week I have been in our most recent quarterly meeting bringing our 35 member agencies together to support each other and advocate for the children and families in our province.

Of late, most of our work has been focused on understanding the direction we are going on with the new Children and Youth with Special Needs Framework and funding structure of the Family Connections Centres.

With the announcement of the CYSN Framework and Family Connection Centre (FCC) model our collective concerns were shared with our government leaders through BCACDI. Unfortunately these concerns have been compounded with the recent events around one of our member agencies, *Starbright in Kelowna.

With the four pilot sites moving forward with a spring launch, BCACDI will continue to further the advocacy efforts on behalf of agencies providing early intervention services to children and families in our province. The CVCDA will continue to represent the Comox Valley both at the local and provincial level to ensure that the services in our community are not compromised.

The link to provincial government information on the CYSN Framework and FCC is: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/managing-your-health/child-behaviour-development/support-needs 

For more information on the role of BCACDI go to: https://www.bcacdi.org/about-us

*Additional links regarding Starbright:

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