JumpStart Preschool
Children and families receive what they need to thrive.
JumpStart Preschool is committed to providing a preschool program that continually adapts to meet the needs of the attending children and families. At JumpStart, we believe that children learn through play, where we provide opportunities for literacy skills, numeracy skills, and social skills to be developed. We believe that connection is the foundation of development, learning and guidance. We promote connection in the class-room by providing an inclusive, safe and nurturing environment for young children, so that they can develop a sense of trust and belonging. We look forward to working with your family during these exciting preschool years. JumpStart staff facilitates developmentally appropriate experiences, based on children’s individual interests. We follow the best practices laid out in BC’s Early Learning Framework.
JumpStart is sponsored by the Comox Valley Child Development Association, and space is provided by School District 71 (Comox Valley). JumpStart is located inside Courtenay Elementary, on McPhee Ave in Courtenay in room 105. We are a two-and-a-half-hour preschool program for 3–5-year-olds. We are licensed for 20 spaces & have a 10-1 child to educator ratio.
Program Options
Fees for the 2024-25 school year are listed below – there is a regular rate, then an expected reduced rate because we are enrolled in the ‘Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative’ program with the BC Government. Our approval in this program for 2024-25 has been received and our rates are listed below.
5 mornings/week (Mon – Fri) – $210.00 | Expected to be $192.50/month with fee reduction. |
3 mornings/week (Mon/Wed/Fri) – $125.00 | Expected to be $115.50/month with fee reduction. |
2 mornings/week (Tues/Thurs) – $85.00 | Expected to be $79.00/month with fee reduction. |
These monthly fee amounts take affect starting September 1, 2024.
Affordable Child Care Benefit is availabe to help families. It is the responsibility of the family to apply for this benefit. Please follow link above for more information and to apply, or reach out to our CCRR Program via this link.
To register, contact JumpStart@cvcda.ca or call 250-898-4317. Fees per month are listed in our Payment of Fees Agreement in the registration package you will need to complete. All fees are due on the first school day of the month. Fees will be considered late if they are not received by the second week of the month. Late fees may apply for continuous late pick up from the program. We accept payment from the Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB) Program. If you need assistance completing an application for this benefit, please connect with our Child Care Resource & Referral team at 250-338-4288 or childcare@cvcda.ca.
Our fees are based on Affordable Child Care Benefit rates. If you qualify for full Affordable Child Care Benefit there is no cost to you. If you qualify for partial funding you will be responsible for paying the parent portion. To see if you are eligible, please check with our local Child Care Resource and Referral office.
JumpStart Preschool
1540 McPhee Ave.
Courtenay, BC
24/25 Registration Package
24/25 Family Handbook

Leah Densmore
JumpStart Early Childhood Educator/Support Worker
Phone: 250-898-4317
Email: jumpstart@cvcda.ca

Lindsay Friis
SCD/ASCD Program Lead & Consultant; Regional Advisor for SCD on Vancouver Island
Phone: 250-338-4288 ext 230
Email: lindsay@cvcda.ca
Connect with Family Advocate
To get started with any of our CVCDA Services speak with April Statz.