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Children and families receive what they need to thrive.

A Physiotherapist (PT) is a health professional who promotes gross motor development and functional independence. 

This includes:

  • Strength
  • Balance
  • Co-ordination
  • Posture
  • Movement skills (catching and throwing a ball, kicking a ball, riding a bike)
  • Environmental adaptation to enhance independence and safety

Motor development is encouraged through everyday activities, play, positioning, handling, and the use of equipment when necessary.PTs at the CVCDA work with infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their parents or caregivers, as well as other team members, using a family-centered approach.


When Do You Need A Physiotherapist?

Children are often referred to Physiotherapy when they have:

  • Difficulty with head control, sitting independently, crawling, or walking
  • Poor balance when walking or running
  • Post-surgery needs
  • A birth injury such as torticollis or erb’s palsy
  • A medical condition or diagnosis that will influence their gross motor development


Who Can Refer?

If you have concerns or questions about your child’s physical development, you can refer your child directly. Public Health Nurses, Family Physicians, Pediatricians, Daycare Providers and other service providers at the Child Development Association can also refer for you.


What Happens After The Referral?

  1. You will be seen by our Family Advocate to gather relevant information and gather consent for services
  2. You will be contacted to arrange an initial consultation
  3. During the initial consultation, while you child plays, you will have an opportunity to talk about your priorities, will be provided with information on your child’s development and receive suggestions on how you can help your child.
  4. Plans for further services will then be determined.  This may include more formal assessments, direct intervention, consultation or monitoring.


What Happens After The Assessment?

The PT will work with your family and team members to:

  1. Identify priorities and a program suited to your child’s individual needs
  2. Provide therapy or consultation as needed
  3. Provide service in the environment best suited to your child’s specific needs (home, Children’s Therapy Centre, and/or childcare centre)


How Can I Help My Child At Home?

  • Make sure their vision is checked, especially depth perception
  • Minimize the amount of time your child spends in a Jolly Jumper, Exersaucer, car seat, swing or bumbo chair. The floor is the best place for children to develop their muscle strength needed for developing their gross motor skills.
  • Playing with your child at the playground
  • Helping your child learn to ride a tricycle. Pedalling a trike is a good way of building leg strength. Using a balance bike helps with developing balance skills for riding a two-wheeled bike.

PT Resource Links:

  • Parent/Tot Drop In Gym – Refer to Recreation Guide
  • CVCDA Orthopaedic Specialist Clinic, four times per year.  Referral required from your family physician.

Screening Tools

CV Children's Therapy Centre

255 Cliffe Avenue
Courtenay, BC

Program Staff

Jennifer Kennedy
Jennifer Kennedy

EIT Program Lead & Occupational Therapist - On Mat Leave

Phone: 250-338-4288 ext 231
Email: jen@cvcda.ca

Lucy Hawa
Lucy Hawa


Phone: 250-338-4288 ext 244
Email: lucy@cvcda.ca

Employment opportunity



Connect with Family Advocate

To get started with any of our CVCDA Services speak with April Statz.

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