In order to allow enough time for children, who will be entering Kindergarten this September (2023) to go through our referral/orientation process and remain eligible to receive our therapy services (PT, OT and SLP), it is encouraged for families referrals to be submitted through our Family Advocate by April 1st, 2023 to receive Physiotherapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT). Any referrals received later than April 1st for PT and OT will not receive service.
Any referrals to Speech and Language (SLP) received later than January 31st, 2023, for children in this age bracket, will not receive services due to current staffing shortage.
Also note, once children have entered kindergarten, they are no longer eligible for the CVCDA’s early intervention therapy services. Comox Valley Schools, district 71 is able to provide PT, OT and SLP services through their Inclusive Education Support Services.
Please contact with your referrals and questions.
Visit our Accessing Services page for more information.
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